At the University Hospital of Munich in Großhadern, a validation study for core body temperature measurements of the c-med° alpha against clinical gold standard temperature probes was conducted. During heart surgery, patients were continuously monitored with the in-ear sensor c-med° alpha in both ears and with four additional temperature probes: nasopharyngeal, vesical, esophageal and rectal. For the duration of the surgery, patients were cooled down to as low as 22°C and rewarmed again to normal body temperature. The temperature data recorded by the probes and the c-med° alpha throughout the entire process was subsequently compared.

Fig. 1: Visualization of the measured data of the c-med° alpha and the reference devices.

The results demonstrate that the c-med° alpha can accurately track core body temperature not only at near normal body temperature ranges but also in a therapeutic hypothermia setting (see fig. 1). Manuscript in preparation to be published in a peer-reviewed journal.

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