December 1, 2020
17:00 – 19:00 hours
Language: German

The corona pandemic and its management remains one of the most important issues for health policy, particularly from the perspective of “digital health”. For this reason, the Center for Telemedicine Bad Kissingen (ZTM) will hold a symposium next Tuesday, December 1, 2020, on important issues regarding the use of telemonitoring solutions in the corona pandemic.

We are therefore very pleased that our CEO Dr. Johannes Kreuzer will give a lecture on the topic “Technology Perspective: Telemonitoring of COVID-19 patients” (start: 18:30 hrs). Among other things, he will address the question how effective and reliable telemonitoring of COVID-19 patients can look like. For example, our telemonitoring solution (Remote Patient Monitoring) has already been successfully used for several months in the TUM study by Prof. Dr. Schmidt (more about the study of the Klinikum rechts der Isar: Telecovid).

Each speaker has 30 minutes for the presentation and a subsequent question and discussion session. After a welcoming address by Mr. Sebastian Dresbach (Management Zentrum für Telemedizin e.V.) and a keynote speech by Mr. Christoph Müller (Innovationsmanagement ZTM Bad Kissingen GmbH), there will follow, in addition to ours, presentations on how to deal with the corona pandemic from the perspective of the central emergency room and the district administration office.

The symposium is sponsored by the Bavarian State Ministry of Health and Care.

We are very much looking forward to exciting lectures and discussions within the framework of the ZTM Symposium 2020!

More information, a program overview and the free registration for the “ZTM Symposium” can be found here:


  • Melanie Schade

    M.A. Kommunikationswissenschaft und Online-Marketing-Expertin mit Schwerpunkt auf Gesundheits- und Wissenschaftskommunikation. // M.A. Communication Studies and online marketing expert with a focus on health and science communication.

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